
Conditioning Yoga.jpeg

Traditional kung fu has been practiced for millennia and its health benefits are legendary. Many White Crane Practitioners have remained in great shape well into their eighties! They are living proof that the practice of a complete martial art is beneficial for our health.

White Crane is a dynamic martial art whose movements are rapid and sudden. As such, the system, by its very nature, develops strength, explosiveness, endurance and flexibility. Many people lose weight and strengthen their bodies thereby improving their quality of life.

We teach many classical exercises that condition and strengthen the body including lifting heavy jars (for developing gripping strength), as well as many specific exercises for developing speed, flexibility and strength. Of course, striking various types of punching bags is also a great conditioning method.

In addition, we also have special body toughening methods. Of course, any skill developed would be done under the strict supervision of a qualified instructor. All methods are time tested and proven to be safe and functional.

Finally, we have several instructors who are skilled in personal fitness and or have degrees in kinesiology, Yoga, personal training, kettlebells, acupuncture etc.…They are happy to lend assistance and advice for students.