
He jao Application.JPG

Traditional systems emphasize applications (Yong Fa). To do so effectively, they must study a wide spectrum of subjects related to combat. Consequently, most traditional Chinese martial arts focus upon forms, two-person forms, weapons, two-person weapon sets, body conditioning, situational drills, striking training aids, internal exercises and free fighting. This is especially true for family systems such as the Lee family Flying Crane. In matters of personal security, it is unwise to settle for inexperienced teachers. Beware of pretenders and place your trusts in real experts.

 As in any serious endeavor, a great deal of emphasis is placed upon mastering the basics of our art as self defense skills will result from a good mastery of the basics. In addition, students will train to develop a warriors spirit and learn to avoid conflict and when and how to engage in combat. It must be emphasized that white crane is not a sport but rather highly evolved no holds bar self-defence method with strikes to the throat , eyes, groin, knees etc. Our instructors will share with you their experience and knowledge of real old school kung fu you can rest assured.